We want all customers to be fully satisfied with their OpenThings products. Our products are thoroughly tested before shipping for quality assurance.
All products are covered by our 90-day return policy. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, simply return your product within 90 days (from the date of delivery) for replacement or a full refund (shipping cost is not refundable). No restocking fee is charged. To initiate a replacement or return, please email
[email protected] with your order number and a brief explanation of why you are returning it. Unless the product is faulty or you received the wrong product, you will be responsible for the return shipping cost. We refund the price you paid for the product, but shipping cost is not refundable (unless if the product is faulty or you received the wrong product). For a full refund, please make sure you include the original product box, accessories, and ensure the product is in mint condition. We cannot issue full refund if the product has missing parts or has been modified.
After the 90-day warranty period, products are not eligible for refund. However, we accept repair requests at a cost determined by the complexity of repair.
The following exceptions apply to our return policy: Products that have been modified, soldered, or physically damaged in any way are not eligible for return.