Introducing ESPToy 1.2 (with Lua Firmware)

A little while back I released the very first version of ESPToy — a ESP8266 Development Board with a few useful on-board components like color LED, button, and temperature sensor. It has a built-in ATmega644 microcontroller, and pin headers for plugging in a ESP-01 through-hole WiFI module. Shortly after that, I discovered the Lua firmware (named nodemcu) for ESP8266. At first I didn’t pay much attention — Lua is a new language that I’ve never used before, and I wasn’t sure if it’s worth my time learning about it. At the same time I was getting tired of the AT firmware (the original firmware that comes with ESP), partly because it’s not very stable, and partly because it’s complicated to use and involves an extra microcontroller to communicate with it.

Over time I saw increasing development and community support on the Lua firmware. So I became more curious. The final push came recently: there was a supply chain problem of the ATmega644 microcontroller. I was about to purchase a new batch of ESPToy 1.1, but the microcontroller is difficult to source from my suppliers in China. I decided that I should give the Lua firmware a try — if it works, I don’t have to use an extra microcontroller any more!

That’s where I wish I had known it earlier — the Lua firmware is, in my opinion, all around better than the AT firmware. It’s easy to use, especially for writing simple web servers; it’s more stable, and best of all, it runs Lua scripts directly on the ESP module, removing the need to use an extra microcontroller. So here comes ESPToy 1.2, with a surface mount ESP8266 module, pre-flashed with the Lua firmware and a start-up demo (WiFi color LED demo):

Built-in Components. Similar to the previous versions, ESPToy 1.2 has a built-in color LED, pushbutton, mini-USB port and the CH340G USB-serial chip. The pushbutton is internally wired to GPIO0 and can be used to re-flash the firmware if needed. The way Lua firmware works is that you send scripts to it through the serial port. The module will execute the script on the fly, and return results (if any) back to the serial port. This is different from a standard microcontroller program in that the scripts are interpreted (not compiled ahead of time), much like how Javascript, Python, and other scripting languages work. This provides a lot of flexibility, including receiving and running a dynamic script on the fly!


Pin Definitions. ESPToy 1.2 internally assigns the following pins for the built-in components:

  • Lua pin 2 (hardware GPIO4): Red LED
  • Lua pin 1 (hardware GPIO5): Green LED
  • Lua pin 4 (hardware GPIO2): Blue LED
  • Lua pin 3 (hardware GPIO0): Button (active low)

Note that these pin names refer to the pin indices defined by the Lua firmware. These are different from the hardware GPIO pin numbers.

One big advantage of the Lua firmware is that it runs directly on the ESP microcontroller, removing the need for an extra microcontroller. This simplifies the hardware design and reduces cost. The module comes with 1 analog pin and several digital pins. It can do most things that an Arduino can, such as writing and reading a GPIO pin, reading an analog sensor, PWM, I2C, SPI, UART. But what it really excels is the capability of creating web services and handling WiFi connections. It also has a file system, storing scripts and data directly to the built-in flash memory. This is a huge advantage over Arduino, and it’s pretty much an all-in-one solution to build Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets. Probably the only disadvantages would be the relatively small number of available pins, particularly analog pins, and that the PWM speed is quite low. Other than these, most Arduino applications can be easily adapted to Lua scripts, but now with WiFi capability!

Lua 101. So what’s the catch? Well, learning a new language is a barrier. Lua is similar to C++ and Java, but it’s after all different, and the syntax is quite flexible, so some code may look obscure at first. To begin, the Hello-World example is pretty trivial:

print("Hello ESPToy!")

notice that unlike C++ and Java, there is no semi-colon at the end. Next, we can blink the LED on ESPToy by:

gpio.mode(led, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.write(led, gpio.HIGH)
gpio.write(led, gpio.LOW)

On ESPToy, the red LED is connected to GPIO2, green to GPIO1, and blue to GPIO4. The above lines are very much similar to Arduino code. Note that just like Python and Javascript, you don’t need to define variable types — the variable types are determined dynamically, so it’s quite flexible. Here is an example of a for loop:

gpio.mode(led, gpio.OUTPUT)
for i=1,10 do
  gpio.write(led, gpio.HIGH)
  gpio.write(led, gpio.LOW)

Next is a demo of using interrupt:

gpio.mode(led, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.write(led, gpio.LOW)
gpio.mode(button, gpio.INT)
function button_cb(level)
  if level==0 then
    gpio.write(led, gpio.HIGH)
    gpio.write(led, gpio.LOW)
gpio.trig(button, "both", button_cb)

This sets up an interrupt for GPIO3 (connected to button), which triggers a call back function when the button is clicked. Lua supports anonymous inline function, similar to JQuery. So you can also write the code this way:

gpio.trig(button, "both", function(level)
  if level==0 then
    gpio.write(led, gpio.HIGH)
    gpio.write(led, gpio.LOW)

If anonymous functions are new to you, this can look a bit weird. But you will quickly get used to it, and find it convenient.

WiFi Web Server 101. While the above examples replicate what an Arduino can do, the power of ESP is in its WiFi capability and creating web services. For example, the following code creates a WiFi access point named ESPToy-xx (where xx is the last byte of the MAC address) with password opendoor:

cfg.ssid="ESPToy" .. (string.sub(wifi.ap.getmac(), 15,17))

Similarly you can easily set it to run in client mode and log on to an existing WiFi network.

Next, to create a very simple HTTP server, use the following script:

  conn:on("receive",function(conn, payload)
    conn:send("Hello, ESPToy!")

It creates a TCP server, listening to port 80. Upon receiving a web request, if sends back a simple webpage and closes the connection. Now log on to the ESPToy-xx WiFi, open a browser and type in, you will see the webpage returned by the module. If this was to be done with the AT firmware, you would have to use a microcontroller to send commands to ESP, and the code size can easily triple or quadruple the above script. So it’s a total time saver!

File System. Another advantage of the Lua firmware is that it supports a file system. The ESP-12 SMD module has 512KB flash memory space, enough to store many scripts and data files. If this was to be done on the Arduino, you would have to use a SD card shield or EEPROM shield to provide compatible size of storage. So this is yet another invaluable feature.

Using ESPlorer. To work with ESPToy 1.2, I recommend using the ESPlorer software — a Java-based GUI for easily uploading scripts to the ESP module. It supports sending individual commands, saving scripts to files, running script files, removing files. If a script named init.lua exists on the module, the firmware will automatically execute the script upon booting. This is how the startup demo is set to run.

Re-Flashing Firmware. To upgrade the firmware (to newer Lua versions), or to revert back to the AT firmware, you can use the esptool — a Python-based script. Using ESPToy, press and hold the on-board pushbutton while plugging in a mini-USB cable. This will allow the ESP module to enter bootloading mode. Then run esptool to upload a new firmware.

Resources. You can find additional information and examples projects using the Lua firmware from the following websites:

Also, you may want to check a few tutorials of the Lua programming language to get familiar with it.

Purchase Link. In conclusion, this post is meant to be a crash course of the Lua firmware and the basic usage instructions of ESPToy 1.2. This new version of ESPToy is immediately available at the Rayshobby Shop — it replaces the previous version, and is priced at $16 ($8 cheaper than the previous version!). Give it a try, and have fun!

OpenSprinkler Recent News and Updates (Feb 2015)

Hey, it’s March already, that means spring will be here soon! Amid an unusually cold winter and freezing weather this winter in New England, we’re finally starting to see some warm winter days. No more snow please, we’ve had enough 🙂

Ars Technica
This post is to give you some recent updates on OpenSprinkler and upcoming plans. First of all, OpenSprinkler Pi got blogged by Ars Technica, which is super cool. It’s really a fun article to read. That caused a huge spike of orders, but we managed. I only wish that Cyrus Farivar, the author, had talked about the microcontorller-based OpenSprinkler as well, because appearance-wise it looks more elegant.

Unified Firmware 2.1.3

Next, we just released the first version of the Unified OpenSprinkler Firmware, numbered 2.1.3. The biggest benefit of this firmware is that it’s cross-platform — it can compile and run on all OpenSprinkler hardware platforms, including the standard OpenSprinkler (OS), OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi), and OpenSprinkler Beagle (OSBo). The cross-platform idea was inspired by Rich Zimmerman’s sprinklers_pi program. The purpose is to make a fully consistent firmware for OS, OSPi and OSBo, so that the same firmware and same features are available on all of them.

Technically, the unified firmware is written in C++. It’s done this way to share the code between OS, OSPi and OSBo as much as possible. The major differences are that on OS, all non-volatile memory data (such as options, program settings) are stored in EEPROM, while for OSPi/OSBO, these are stored in a local file, which simulates EEPROM. Also, OSPi/OSBo uses the standard socket to handle Ethernet communication, while OS uses an Arduino EtherCard library. Other than these, the code is largely shared between them, making it easy to extend in the future. Folks may find C++ based programs less friendly to modify than Dan’s Python-based interval_program. However, as I said, the point is to make the three platforms maximally compatible, so that any new features introduced in OS will be simultaneously available to OSPi and OSBo.

The main added new feature of this firmware is the support of using sunrise/sunset times in program settings. Specifically, the program’s first start time (and any of the additional start times) can be defined using sunrise/sunset time +/- an offset (in steps of minutes) up to 4 hours. The program preview will also take into account the sunrise/sunset time of a specific day. Another change is the support for MD5 hashed password, which attempts to address the previous plain-text password to some extent. For the security-minded, I admit that this is far from sufficient, but better than before.

For OSPi/OSBo, all features currently implemented on the OS, such as individual station water time, Zimmerman’s weather-based water adjustment, and support for radio frequency stations, are also immediately available for OSPi/OSBo.

Details on this firmware and how to upgrade OS/OSPi/OSBo to use this firmware can be found in this forum post.

Upcoming Plans
There are quite a few things on our todo list. The top items include:

  • Getting OpenSprinkler certified by the EPA WaterSense program (which requires ET-based water time calculation).
  • Support for soil moisture sensor and flow sense (at least flow estimation).
  • Improve the scheduling algorithm to better handle overlapping schedules using a queue.
  • Adding firmware support for using sensors (either digital or analog) to trigger sprinkler events.
  • Adding cloud-support (long term goal).

Some of these are purely software, but some will entail hardware changes. For example, for cloud-support, we’ve come to the conclusion that it will require an upgraded microcontroller due to the resource limitations of the current hardware. So the cloud support will likely not happen until OpenSprinkler 3.0 comes into place. It seems that adopting ATmega1284 is the most straightforward solution — it’s totally pin compatible with the current ATmega644, but doubles the flash memory space and quadruples RAM size. If you have suggestions about desired hardware changes, please feel free to let me know. This is the time that your opinions will be factored into the future of OpenSprinkler 🙂

Besides the additional new features, we are also planning to remove some features which are rarely used. One immediate plan is to remove the built-in relay, which seems not very useful, only to add manufacturing cost. The original idea of including a built-in relay is to use it for general-purpose switching, such as garage doors, landscape lighting etc. However, there is no cutout dedicated to the relay wires, so it requires some modification to the enclosure. Also, now that we have support for Radio Frequency (RF) stations, the need for build-in relay is even lower. Alternatively, you can use an external 24V AC relay, which I blogged about previously. At any rate, it seems wise to retire the built-in relay.

Retiring OpenSprinkler DIY and OSPi Standard Version
To prioritize our business, we have decided to permanently discontinue OpenSprinkler DIY kit and OSPi Standard version. We will no longer stock these kits. I know that OpenSprinkler DIY kit has been a fun product for many makers and Arduino lovers. But the maintenance cost is also pretty high — even though we do not officially provide technical support for DIY kits, in practice we still help users a lot in fixing their soldering mistakes and diagnosing issues. This has taken too much overhead, and because of this reason, we will retire the DIY kit.

As for the OSPi Standard version — it will also be retired soon in favor of the Plus version. Most of Raspberry Pi’s new products, including A+/B+/2 use the same form factor, which is not compatible with the original A/B. The standard version is still compatible if you own a RPi 1 model A/B. But we are looking into the future, and expect the orders of the standard version to drop significantly in the upcoming season.

DC Powered OpenSprinkler
I’ve received several requests to make an OpenSprinkler variant for DC solenoids. Within the US, most sprinkler solenoids are still AC powered. But for International users, it can be painful and confusing to find a AC power source, especially since AC adapters are not regulated (i.e. you can’t plug in a 110VAC adapter to 220VAC socket). In contrast, DC adapters and solenoids are sometimes more common and cheaper to source, and DC adapters are usually regulated and universal.

In a previous blog post, entitled Understand 24V AC Sprinkler Solenoids, I analyzed the electric specs of a typical sprinkler solenoid. One interesting discovery there is that it’s totally possible to drive a 24V AC sprinkler solenoid using DC voltage. The trick is that it needs a high momentary voltage to activate, but once activated, it can remain open with a relatively low voltage (some where around 6~8 VDC). This means a DC powered OpenSprinkler not only works for DC solenoids, but can work for a typical 24V AC solenoid as well. In fact, combining this with the H-bridges that OpenSprinkler Bee uses, it’s even possible to use the same hardware to drive DC Latching solenoids as well! Perhaps I can call this the Unified OpenSprinkler Hardware design 🙂

Inspired by this idea, I am actually working on a DC version of OpenSprinkler. Besides the benefits to International users, another benefit of a DC design is that this makes it easy to add a current sensing circuit to monitor each station, and detect potential solenoid shorting / damage etc.